STAR TREK Universe. The final frontier. These are the voyages of the Romulan Cruiser Germania on its ongoing missions ... and we will join her.

Originally the timeline for the vessel Germania was set between STAR TREK CLASSIC and STAR TREK THE NEXT GENERATION (between 2268 and 2364 according to the terran calendar / STARDATEs from 5027.3 to 41986.0). This allowed the most possibilities for our Romulan characters.
In the meantime more and more fan groups are related to STAR TREK THE NEXT GENERATION, STAR TREK DEEP SPACE NINE and STAR TREK VOYAGER. For that reason we decided to do as well roleplay "within all timelines" (especially end DS9).

First blueprints of our ship were developed at stardate 9512.0. To get the 'real' terran date from this stardate is easy, isn't it. At stardate 9609.17 the Germania started (as RSE GERMANIA) officially her service for the Romulan Fleet.
When the new Romulan Fan Club the 'TELAIN DERIDEX RIHANNSU' was founded the name was changed to 'GERMANIA - DEX'.

Most of the time, the Germania performs patrol duty at the outer limits of Romulan space, far away from the homeworlds. But sometimes, we are assigned to special missions. The missions are recorded in logs, of course.

Mission 1 - Eld'arin IV (in German)

Mission 2 - Dagr Vasud Nebula (newletter #19-27)

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Copyright Jens Meder und Uli Rösler, Last revision 23.12.2005